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ScummVM supports various in-game hotkeys. They differ between SCUMM games and other games.

    Ctrl-F5                - Displays the Global Menu
    Cmd-q                  - Quit (Mac OS X)
    Ctrl-q                 - Quit (other unices including Linux)
    Alt-F4                 - Quit (Windows)
    Ctrl-z                 - Quit (other platforms)
    Ctrl-u                 - Mute all sounds
    Ctrl-m                 - Toggle mouse capture
    Ctrl-Alt 1-8           - Switch between graphics filters
    Ctrl-Alt + and -       - Increase/Decrease the scale factor
    Ctrl-Alt a             - Toggle aspect-ratio correction on/off
                             Most of the games use a 320x200 pixel
                             resolution, which may look squashed on
                             modern monitors. Aspect-ratio correction
                             stretches the image to use 320x240 pixels
                             instead, or a multiple thereof
    Ctrl-Alt f             - Enable/disable graphics filtering
    Ctrl-Alt s             - Cycle through scaling modes
    Alt-Enter              - Toggles full screen/windowed
    Alt-s                  - Make a screenshot (SDL backend only)
    Ctrl-F7                - Open virtual keyboard (if enabled)
                             This can also be triggered by a long press
                             of the middle mouse button or wheel.

    Alt-x                  - Quit
    Ctrl 0-9 and Alt 0-9   - Load and save game state
    Ctrl-d                 - Starts the debugger
    Ctrl-f                 - Toggle fast mode
    Ctrl-g                 - Runs in really REALLY fast mode
    Ctrl-t                 - Switch between 'Speech only',
                             'Speech and Subtitles' and 'Subtitles only'
    Tilde (~)              - Show/hide the debugging console
    [ and ]                - Music volume, down/up
    - and +                - Text speed, slower/faster
    F5                     - Displays a save/load box
    Alt-F5                 - Displays the original save/load box, if the
                             game has one. You can save and load games using
                             this, however it is not intended for this purpose,
                             and may even crash ScummVM in some games.
    i                      - Displays IQ points (Indiana Jones and the Last
                             Crusade, and Indiana Jones and the Fate of
    Space                  - Pauses
    Period (.)             - Skips current line of text in some games
    Enter                  - Simulate left mouse button press
    Tab                    - Simulate right mouse button press

  Beneath a Steel Sky:
    Ctrl-d                 - Starts the debugger
    Ctrl-f                 - Toggle fast mode
    Ctrl-g                 - Runs in really REALLY fast mode
    F5                     - Displays a save/load box
    Escape                 - Skips the game intro
    Period (.)             - Skips current line of text

  Blade Runner:
    Ctrl-d                 - Starts the debugger
    Space                  - Toggle combat mode
    Enter or Escape        - Skips a video or a line of dialogue
    Escape                 - Show game menu
    Tab                    - Activate last database
    F1                     - Online help
    F2                     - Save game menu
    F3                     - Load game menu
    F4                     - Crime scene database
    F5                     - Suspect database
    F6                     - Clue database
    F10                    - Quit game

  Broken Sword:
    F5 or Escape           - Displays save/load box

  Broken Sword II:
    Ctrl-d                 - Starts the debugger
    Ctrl-f                 - Toggle fast mode
    p                      - Pauses

  Dragon History:
    F5                     - Displays the Global Menu
    left click             - Walk, explore
    right click            - Use, talk
    move mouse up, i       - Inventory
    move mouse down, m     - Map
    Escape                 - Skip the intro, exit map/inventory
    any click              - Skip the currently dubbed sentence
    q                      - Quick walking on/off

  Flight of the Amazon Queen:
    Ctrl-d                 - Starts the debugger
    Ctrl-f                 - Toggle fast mode
    F1                     - Use Journal (saving/loading)
    F11                    - Quicksave
    F12                    - Quickload
    Escape                 - Skips cutscenes
    Space                  - Skips current line of text

  Future Wars:
    F1                     - Examine
    F2                     - Take
    F3                     - Inventory
    F4                     - Use
    F5                     - Activate
    F6                     - Speak
    F9                     - "Activate" menu
    F10                    - "Use" menu
    Escape                 - Bring on command menu

  Nippon Safes:
    Ctrl-d                 - Starts the debugger
    l                      - Load game
    s                      - Save game

  Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2:
    Ctrl 0-9 and Alt 0-9   - Load and save game state
    Ctrl-d                 - Starts the debugger
    Ctrl-f                 - Toggle fast mode
    F1 - F3                - Text speed, faster - slower
    F10                    - Shows all characters and objects you can
                             interact with
    Escape                 - Skip cutscenes
    - and +                - Music volume, down/up
    m                      - Music on/off
    s                      - Sound effects on/off
    b                      - Background sounds on/off
                             [Simon the Sorcerer 2 only]
    Pause                  - Pauses
    t                      - Switch between speech only and
                             combined speech and subtitles
                             [Simon the Sorcerer 1 CD (other than
                             English and German) and Simon the
                             Sorcerer 2 CD (all languages)]
    v                      - Switch between subtitles only and
                             combined speech and subtitles
                             [Simon the Sorcerer 2 CD only]

  Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack:
    Ctrl-d                 - Starts the debugger
    Ctrl-f                 - Toggle fast mode
    F12                    - High speed mode on/off in Swampy Adventures
    - and +                - Music volume, down/up
    m                      - Music on/off
    s                      - Sound effects on/off
    Pause                  - Pauses

  Starship Titanic:
    Ctrl-c                 - Open up the developer's cheat room
    Ctrl-d                 - Open up the ScummVM Debugger
    Left click             - Move action
    Shift-Left click       - Edit room glyph chevrons and
                              quick movement transitions
    Right click            - Edit room glyph chevrons
                              and quick transitions
    Mouse wheel            - Scroll through items (inventory, etc)
                              and conversation log
    Arrow keys             - Movement. Down arrow/back is only available if the
                              given view explicitly has a backwards movement
    F1                     - Switch to Chat-O-Mat
    F2                     - Switch to Personal Baggage
    F3                     - Switch to Remote Thingummy
    F4                     - Switch to Designer Room Numbers (chevron list)
    F5                     - GMM save menu
    F6                     - Switch to Real Life
    F7                     - GMM restore menu

  Starship Titanic (Starfield Puzzle):
    Tab                    - Toggle between starmap and skyscape
    Mouse click:           - skyscape star selection and
                              starmap star fast travel
    Mouse movement         - starmap orientation
    SPACE                  - starmap stop movement
    z                      - starmap turn left
    x                      - starmap turn right
    Single quote (')       - starmap turn up
    Forward slash (/)      - starmap turn down
    Semicolon (;)          - starmap move forward
    Period (.)             - starmap move backward
    l                      - starmap lock coordinate
    d                      - starmap unlock coordinate

  The Feeble Files:
    Ctrl-d                 - Starts the debugger
    Ctrl-f                 - Toggle fast mode
    F7                     - Switch characters
    F9                     - Hitbox names on/off
    s                      - Sound effects on/off
    Pause                  - Pauses
    t                      - Switch between speech only and
                             combined speech and subtitles
    v                      - Switch between subtitles only and
                             combined speech and subtitles

  The Legend of Kyrandia:
    Ctrl 0-9 and Alt 0-9   - Load and save game state
    Ctrl-d                 - Starts the debugger

    F5                     - Displays the Global Menu

  Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer:
    Ctrl-f                 - Toggle fast mode
    F5                     - Displays options
    F9                     - Turn fast walk mode on
    F10                    - Turn fast walk mode off
    Escape                 - Quit
    Space                  - Skips current line of text
    t                      - Switch between 'Voice only',
                             'Voice and Text' and 'Text only'

  Zork: Grand Inquisitor:
    Ctrl-s                 - Save
    Ctrl-r                 - Restore
    Ctrl-q                 - Quit
    Ctrl-p                 - Preferences
    F1                     - Help
    F5                     - Inventory
    F6                     - Spellbook
    F7                     - Score
    F8                     - Put away current object/forget spell
    F9                     - Extract coin (must have the coin bag)
    Space                  - Skips movies

  Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands:
    Ctrl-s                 - Save
    Ctrl-r                 - Restore
    Ctrl-q                 - Quit
    Ctrl-p                 - Preferences
    Space                  - Skips movies

GSOD Proposal '20